
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Lowery Park Zoo

A few days ago, we went to the Lowery Park Zoo. They had lots of animals, but my favorites where the stingrays. I even got to feed them. I fed them squid and shrimp, and you hold them between your fingers with your hand flat. When they get it, it feels a little bit like a vaccume. You can pet them with two fingers on their fins. They had cownose rays, yellow stingrays, Southern stingrays, and maybe some others that did not come to the edge. We also got to see a diver cleaning a manatee tank.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Florida Aquarium

The other day we took a trip to The Florida Aquarium. They had lots of animals like cownose rays, leafy sea dragons, and sand tiger sharks. There is also a lot to do there. The video I took was of some leafy sea dragons, and the photo is of two pompanos.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Southern Stingray

This is a video of some southern stingrays. Southern stingrays are sometimes put into touch tanks. Stingrays have a barb on their tail, but they won't sting you unless they feel threatened. They prefer to stay near the ocean floor, rather than swimming around like cownose rays or manta rays.